Readers' Response Draft1

An excerpt from Guidelines for Good Indoor Air Quality in Office Premises (1996) by Ministry of the Environment, explains how air quality can be better by maintaining the design and construction of the office buildings. On top of the existing air conditioning, mechanical ventilation system should be designed to reduce air pollution. Building materials should not produce any chemicals that will contaminate the air. Installations should be constructed in a way that reduces the risk of leakage. The outdoor air intakes should not be surrounded by sources of air pollution. Windows should be within reach so that cleaning can be done effectively. During construction, only professionals should examine the area. Building should be constructed such that contaminants would not enter. Air ducts should be accessible for inspection and cleaning. Outdoor and indoor air should be filtered to remove pollutants.

Thesis: While, the excerpt provides essential details on what could be done to improve good air indoor quality, it fails to discuss more elaborate about the heating ventilation system, health problems of the building workers and educating workers to play their part to improve the air quality.

Firstly, the author(guideline) should have stated on how heating ventilation air conditioning (HVAC) system helps to maintain good air quality such as layout of space and pollutant source management. This system plays great importance in spreading and removing the pollutants. Also HVAC has to deliver enough air to workers situated places. This was stated under “Ventilation system design” (An Office Building Occupants Guide 1997) book.

Secondly, concerning with the health effects, workers with illness should be taken care of carefully as they can get affected easily by harmful pollutants. It is a must to control the moisture and humidity levels. Dirt and moisture can cause bacteria to grow. The humidity level should not be too high or too low as they would spread pollutants that cause dry eyes and sinus discomfort. There should be no smoking inside the building to prevent spread of toxins. This was mentioned in the IAQ consultant website.

Lastly, educating building staffs to do their part. The workers could help to prevent blocking the air vents and grilles as it would help in the balance of HVAC system. Clearing the rubbish regularly and store food to prevent smell and pests. In my opinion staffs should be well-trained to have the ready mindset so they would know how to solve the air quality problems. This was explained in the EPA guidelines under “Things Everyone in the Building Can Do”.

In conclusion, though the excerpt explains about the design and construction to improve air quality it does not emphasis the other significant reasons behind the poor air quality. In order to have a good indoor air quality, a good working relationship with building management, keeping a record of health issues of the workers needed. Moreover IAQ should be checked and solved using the given guidelines so as to provide a conducive indoor working environment. Most importantly green mark certification should be attained to have safer and healthier environment.

Environmental Research and Public Health (2018). Assessment of Indoor Air Quality Problems in Office-Like Environments: Role of Occupational Health Services.

United States Environmental Protection Agency.(October 1997). An Office Building Occupant's Guide to Indoor Air Quality

IAQ Consultants. How to Achieve Good Indoor Air Quality for Your Workplace.

